

We strive to create a supportive, caring and happy environment where effective learning can take place. Pastoral care is central to our ethos and we have a supportive pastoral system which makes pupil well-being its priority.

Close relationships between teachers and pupils on a day-to-day basis are vital and fully recognised. The Principal is familiar with every pupil and has overall responsibility for all members of the Academy, but class teachers are primarily responsible for the pastoral care of each pupil. The Principal and Senior Leadership Team take an interest in all the pupils and are quickly informed of any individual concerns.

Playtimes are well supervised and pupils are encouraged to participate in organised games and make use of designated play zones.

Pastoral Team

The Pastoral Team is responsible for ensuring the welfare of pupils. They work closely with parents and guardians to make sure a support structure is in place for every pupil.

Every pupil is assigned to a class led by a class teacher. The class teacher is the first point of contact between home and the Academy. They will make sure parents are regularly updated on any issues that are preventing their child from learning. They take particular care during the transition from primary to secondary school. Class teachers are supported by our Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for SEND and Inclusion.