Curriculum Information

Progression Map

The progression maps outline what children will be learning within the subject for each year group. Teachers use them to develop pupils understanding and master skills at age appropriate level.

For more information about the progression map, check our downloads below. 


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    Star Points Score- SPS

    The Star Points Score framework is a criterion-based assessment approach. The standards outlined in them are consistent with National Curriculum (NC) age-related expectations. The SPSs are used to make half termly assessments for Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

    For more information about Star Points Score, check our downloads below. 


    Assessment Framework – Art and Design
    Assessment Framework – Design Technology
    Assessment Framework – Geography
    Assessment Framework – History
    SPS – Mathematics 2020-21
    SPS – Reading 2020-21
    SPS – Science 2020-21
    SPS – Writing 2020-21